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Ulimi Wangu Lyrics

Kushindwa si Ulimi wangu, Iam more than a conqueror
Kubabaika si ulimi wangu, iam the Head and not the tail
Iam he who dwells in the Shelter of the Most High
Niko ndani ya shadow ya Almighty
Kushindwa si Ulimi wangu, Iam more than a conqueror

He who is in me is greater, so much greater than mwenye yuko hapa duniani
And its better, its gonna get better, kwani Jesus Christ yuko ndani
Na ni kipi kitaja nitisha, Son of the king na sikubahatisha
Mawimbi yakija kunitisha tisha, Jeshi la malaika wananyamazisha
Na ameniweka Rada, kwenye mitego ya Shetani, Nicheze mbali nayo
Kisha ni avoid wadada waliangusha Suleimani
He is the only guaranteed satisfaction
My trust is in Him naileta design ya Jamdon, Ninasisitiza
The power of the Tongue inaweza Kill na inaweza bonga life
Utanielewa nikisema

Kushindwa si Ulimi wangu, Iam more than a conqueror
Kubabaika si ulimi wangu, iam the Head and not the tail
Iam he who dwells in the Shelter of the Most High
Niko ndani ya shadow ya Almighty
Kushindwa si Ulimi wangu, Iam more than a conqueror

Nina full Amor breastplate ya righteousness kiuno mshipi wa ukweli
Nime simama tayari na the Gospel of peace, Mkononi ngao ya imani
Na kuvuna nafsi ndio number 1 agenda, iam in His vineyard doing purpose
Me fe' seek the Kingdom kisha mengine atatenda,....Eihhhhh
Sibabaishwi na kile nimekosa, yeye tu amenitosha
Nichungane na system isije nichocha hata noma zikikuja
It’s gonna get better
It’s called the power of the tongue
Me tell you no one said it will be easy
Shetani na mapepo hawawezani wameshindwa my angels are busy
Na Yesu mambo shwari

Kushindwa si Ulimi wangu, Iam more than a conqueror
Kubabaika si ulimi wangu, iam the Head and not the tail
Iam he who dwells in the Shelter of the Most High
Niko ndani ya shadow ya Almighty
Kushindwa si Ulimi wangu, Iam more than a conqueror

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Release Year : 2022

Album : Ulimi Wangu (Single)

Copyright : ©2021 Administered by Timam Evans

Added By : Farida





Timam is a singer/songwriter, worshiper based in Nairobi, Kenya. His music is themed on Christian l ...