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Kitoko Lyrics

Chérie kitoko, chérie kitoko
Chérie my woman, woman wom
Chérie my woman, woman wom
Chérie guisso dou tchi yaw ma dioum
What’s up what’sapa in your room
Chérie Nouyouma Boulma romb
Chérie wouyouma Boulma romb
Fethialma rumba rumba rum
What’s up what’sapa in your room

Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love oh
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love

Diaral ngama do anything
Bou néké assamane Ci nga beugg
Ma andilako way
Ma Chérie boul dioy  
Xamnani mane mala toogn yeah
Xolma sama xol tooy
Fo yendo dei falay fanane
Soxnaci boul dioy
Je t’aimerai comme d’hab
Bb j’ai les contacts
Kayniou ande fou dougou ma dougou
Goudou comme jack
Kayniou jeu de contact
Wiri Wiri comme d’hab
Fo fetté ma feuleu, fatalma fofou may fatt
Enh, fi mbeuguel bou deugou
day andaki thiono gui yeupp enh
Mane Loutakh ma sonal la
Sonalnaa mboolo mi yeup enh

Chérie my woman, woman wom
Chérie my woman, woman wom
Chérie guisso dou tchi yaw ma dioum
What’s up what’sapa in your room
Chérie Nouyouma Boulma romb
Chérie wouyouma Boulma romb
Fethialma rumba rumba rum
What’s up what’sapa in your rom

Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love oh
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love

Wonala woma niou ande rek seey
Boula nekhé nga wo Mami
Limay def ni yeupp wollay dou lepp la tay
Boma weddé nga xol tani (petaw)
Na honey A Fammi
Every day Time is money
W’ill never waste time my honey
Lima mbedd diangalone dou lepp la mine
Dinane ko door dinane ko saga
Nane dianni door tchi mbam yi
Djigne ko thiaga
Li diaroul goor, goor diaroul nada
Légui done na ndongo wakh faada

Chérie my woman, woman wom
Chérie my woman, woman wom
Chérie guisso dou tchi yaw ma dioum
What’s up what’sapa in your room
Chérie Nouyouma Boulma romb
Chérie wouyouma Boulma romb
Fethialma rumba rumba rum
What’s up what’sapa in your room

Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love oh
Chérie kitoko
I don’t like the way you give me your love

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Release Year : 2023

Album : Kitoko (Single)

Added By : Farida





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