Mihaka Lyrics
Oh you alter
Oh you native boundaries
I break you today
You cannot contain me anymore
I will get to where God has said I will
And I will become what God has said I will become
In the name of Jesus, prospering I will prosper
Am saying prospering I will prosper
Where you entered into an agreement
That out family people don't go to school
I refuse that
That people from my family don't get married
I refuse that
That we cannot build houses
Or we cannot do this or that
Endless demonic slavery
I refuse that
In the name of Jesus
I refuse to be restrained
Am saying I refuse to be restrained
Oh you alter
Oh you native boundaries
I break you today
You cannot contain me anymore
I will get to where God has said I will
And I will become what God has said I will become
In the name of Jesus, prospering I will prosper
Am saying prospering I will prosper
If those who were before me
Those ones you had an agreement
I personally refuse
They welcomed you
I will personally chase you away
And I will overcome you
I cut off your umblical cord
I uproot you by the roots
I bring an end to your battles
My generation will not fight with you
In the name of Jesus I refuse to be restrained
I say I refuse to be restrained
Oh you alter
Oh you native boundaries
I break you today
You cannot contain me anymore
I will get to where God has said I will
And I will become what God has said I will become
In the name of Jesus, prospering I will prosper
Am saying prospering I will prosper
Where you had said we will never reach
Now we will get there and go beyond
Because the word of God speaks concerning our lives
Jeremiah 1:10 I have been set over nations
And over Kingdom
To destroy and to overthrow
To pluck up and break down
In the name of Jesus
I refuse to be restrained
Am saying I refuse to be restrained
Oh you alter
Oh you native boundaries
I break you today
You cannot contain me anymore
I will get to where God has said I will
And I will become what God has said I will become
In the name of Jesus, prospering I will prosper
Am saying prospering I will prosper
Jeremiah 29: Verse 5 and 6
Build houses and live in them
Plant gardens and eat their produce
Take wives and have sons and daughters
Take wives for your sons
And give your daughters in marriage
That they may bear sons and daughters
Multiply there and do not decrease
I say do not decrease
Oh you alter
Oh you native boundaries
I break you today
You cannot contain me anymore
I will get to where God has said I will
And I will become what God has said I will become
In the name of Jesus, prospering I will prosper
Am saying prospering I will prosper
Oh you alter
Oh you native boundaries
I break you today
You cannot contain me anymore
I will get to where God has said I will
And I will become what God has said I will become
In the name of Jesus, prospering I will prosper
Am saying prospering I will prosper
Release Year : 2020
Album : Mihaka (Single)
Copyright : (c) 2020
Added By : Huntyr Kelx
Shiru Wa Gp is a Multi-Award winning gospel Singer-Songwriter and musician from Kenya.. She is ...