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Give It To Me


Give It To Me Lyrics

Baby I want you to be my king yeah
Baby I want you to be my honey yeah
Baby I want you to be my sugar
Sugar sugarcane
Sugar sugarcane
Hummm sugar candy

Baby boy you are in my Dreams yeah
Baby boy you are in my thoughts
And I decided to tell you The truth
That I'm in Love with you boy
"Give me your heart" , "Give me your heart"
Believe me
Trust me yeahh

Give it to me
Give it to me
I would show you
Would show you my love hey
Give it to me
Give it to me yeah
Hummmmm me yeah
And i wish you'lle be mine forever forever

I Never fell in Love like that just for you my baby boy
Viens dans mes bras mignon garçon
Quand je te vois mon coeur bat très fort

Mes sentiments sont sincères just look at me in The eyes you'll see

Just try i'm sure you'll like it
You'll give me reason yeahhh
I swear this feeling is killing me yeahhh
This Love is killing me yeahhh
I never fell in Love
I never never yeahhh

All I need it's your heart hey yeah

Give it to me
Give it to me
I would show you
Would show you my love hey
"I never fell in Love like that " hummm yeahh
Give it to me
Give it to me yeah
And i wish you'll be mine forever forever

Viens dans mon monde tu ne seras pas déçu yeahh
Because you'll be The King and i The Queen
Yeahhhhhh hummm
My sweatheart hey

Give it to me
Give it to me
I would show you
Would show you my love hey
"I never fell in Love like that " hummm yeahh
Give it to me
Give it to me yeah
And i wish you'll be mine forever forever


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Release Year : 2018

Album : Give It To Me (Single)

Added By : Roger Martin





KIM MARCELLE  is a recording artiste from Congo. ...