Dondoka Lyrics
Drop, drop, drop
(It's Amado on the Beat)
Drop, drop, drop
(Motif Di Don)
And when I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
When I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
And when you print it, I drop it
Drop drip eey
Drop eey
Drop, drop eey
Yeah and thank you ass see kicks
If I scratch you will be united
Waveve ndo zikigondi nisikaokote
Carry them in the diapers
He claims to see I don't know how to hit the mud
He claims bananas and here is the result
Not like fast mi mslow naenda ka kobe
Mangeus these days are more ballad than promo
And when I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
When I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
And when you print it, I drop it
Drop drip eey
Drop eey
Drop, drop eey
Look there is a baby and he is carrying
Jegs in the book will hurt
Vile kanakata katatepa
Ngwaa sito and with the stove will be done
Bruh was hit by a sting and hit us
Bruh when we are organized the enemies are attacking us
When they made us, Njoki gave them to us
Even the cats gave them away
And when I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
When I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
And when you print it, I drop it
Drop drip eey
Drop eey
Drop, drop eey
As for your sweet treats
Set with your ring gears
I shot and left the kidi mark
Today you will make a lot of noise
If you make a noise I will give you two
He will find mao double maithaa of P.E
I know you're ripe
And the ass is carrying a rag
And when I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
When I find it I weigh it
I plant and cultivate
And when you print it, I drop it
Drop drip eey
Drop eey
Drop, drop eey
Release Year : 2020
Album : Dondoka (Single)
Copyright : (c) 2020 Ethic Entertainment.
Added By : Huntyr Kelx
Ethic , ' Ethic Entertainment' is a music Group from Kenya formed in 2018. Ethic Enter ...