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Nina Siri


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Nina Siri Lyrics

I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
(I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen)

Tell those who cry, those who are tormented by the world
Let them taste His grace and savior's mercy
They will be delivered, they’ll be set free singing hosanna amen
They will be delivered, they’ll be set free singing hosanna amen
Tell those who cry, those who are tormented by the world
Let them taste His grace and savior's mercy
They will be delivered, they’ll be set free singing hosanna amen
They will be delivered, they’ll be set free singing hosanna amen

(I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen

I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen)

He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
I have a secret with Jesus that makes stand bold (strong)
In a peace and distress He makes me bold
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen
He refreshes me as I jump singing hosanna amen)

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Release Year : 2023

Album : Nina Siri (Single)

Added By : Farida





ISRAËL MBONYI born ISRAËL MBONYICYAMBU on  May 20th 1992 in the Southern province of ...