Court Circuit Lyrics

Claude Wanga the banker
Your silence only makes me cry, There is a short circuit
In my heart The transformer of love is burning
Love is in dire straits
Love disaster, I got sick
Dry breakdown of love
The heart needs the fuel of love
Your hands, a cradle that I have always sought Claude Wanga
The coffin seller often does it with joy
The buyer bought it with sorrow, Please have mercy on me
The receiver shouts of his destination
I cry for you Claude Wanga, destination of my love
Dede Mopasa Matete is Claude Wanga
I'm a woman, I'm still young
No white hair, I'm still a child
You alone had promised me the wonder and pleasure of love
You told me, the secret of the sheet for the bedspread
You released the secret of the tenderness of love
From the veranda to the neighbors
You rethink the news, in the whole planet Earth
Without mercy, you leave my affection at the bedside
You kicked me out, the same day you bring back a rival
For her to take my affection, my blessings in order to burn them
Hurry Claude Wanga
Too much absence I risk falling ill
My heart is shocked
Your absence becomes a calming for Didier
God made the heart like a vessel, a river of pleasures
why mine has become a river of sorrows
Kovo Masola
I'm starting to be afraid
[Verse 2]
The mouth asks to eat by hand, the hand refuses to give
My tears have dried on my yokes
Unfortunately tears don't stop the sorrow
Like an earthworm falling in salt, this is my fate
My heart is in mourning Claude Wanga
I no longer have value like a corkscrew in the hands of a smoker
A branch at the corner of the street, reference to mourning
Where are you reference of my love? Hey my mother
My baby, my baby, my baby
My baby, Claude Wanga my baby
Where are you my teddy bear?
My baby, my baby, my baby
My baby, Claude Wanga my baby
Don't leave me all alone in grief
Honey you said "these things happen"
You said to wait
I try to calm down, I can't do it
I feel sick
The way you treat me
This love trade it was you who gave me the bottom
You finished my organism like a rich man in a coffin
You put my pain on a lift to lift it up
Even wizards benefit from it or what? Pity
My baby, my baby, my baby
My baby, Claude Wanga my baby
Ma Mélina where are you?
Hurry Claude Wanga
Too much absence I risk falling ill
My heart is shocked
Your absence becomes a calming for Didier
God made the heart like a vessel, a river of pleasures
why mine has become a river of sorrows
Kovo Masola
I'm starting to be afraid
Hey me, Edo Muzamba, really pitiful
He did everything to bring about a love by default
It gives a stillborn, I give away my crutches
Blaise Mampuya News
Benoît Zemi
Claudia Tshibangu
I lost the motherhood of my love
Kevin Makambo, Sele Mulopo I love it
The mountain of pleasure is you
Mommy's girl takes your seat on my throne
Your rivals are looking for me
Salon star na London, Joella Yambi
Why do you allow me to be taken
This midnight mountain that is your seat
Mommy's girl approach you, we're playing in the movies
Claude Wanga na London the Banker
Paulin Katalayi
Tcheboku na Lyon
Bernard Tandi Taputi you're not looking at my case
Djokul Mobutu Didier Shombo
Hey me, Claude Wanga you adore me
Shabani Records you love me
Don't leave me Claude de Tété
Don't leave me Excellency Antoine Gonda
Don't run away from me Sarah Tshimanga
Do not leave me
Hurry Claude Wanga
Too much absence I risk falling ill
My heart is shocked
Your absence becomes a calming for Didier
God made the heart like a vessel, a river of pleasures
why mine has become a river of sorrows
Kovo Masola
I'm starting to be afraid
If I was really brave I would have had Claude Wanga
You are the one my heart prefers
Your presence, your behavior amazes me
In life you don't make fun of someone said Merlin the Prince
Look at me as I cry Hide Kisoka, Guilain Omeyonga
Hurry Claude Wanga
Too much absence I risk falling ill
My heart is shocked
Your absence becomes a calming for Didier
God made the heart like a vessel, a river of pleasures
why mine has become a river of sorrows
Kovo Masola
I'm starting to be afraid
Release Year : 2020
Album : QQJD, Vol. 2 (Album)
Added By : Farida